The International Police Rally is a sport-based motorcyclist and tourist event with the purpose of bringing the police motorcyclists of all nations together on an international level. The opportunity to exchange their ideas, to enhance friendships and appreciation of one another across boarders should be given to the participants during the event.

According to the decision of the IMPC executive committee on the congress of the delegates on July 8th 2015 the 71st International Police Rally will take place from 26th June to 01st July 2018 in the Laces-Val Martello Holiday Area, Venosta Valley, South Tyrol, Italy.

Tourism association Laces-Martello
Via Principale 38/A
39021 Laces
Venosta Valley – South Tyrol – Italy

Phone +39 0473 623 109
Fax. +39 0473 622 042

General Information:
Entry form:


Bank Details:
Cassa Raiffeisen Laces
IBAN: IT 16 S 08110 58450 000300009245

The following people are entitled to participate: members of the police force, gendarmerie, customs and finance guard, border guards, prison service and military police and all members of the sport clubs of the above mentioned organizations.

The above mentioned specifications do not exclude other bodies if they accompany the same tasks as part of their service fulfillment under a different name.

Each driver must possess the necessary vehicle documents and a driving license valid in Italy. In addition the possession of prescribed international motor vehicle insurance is necessary. All two-, three- and four wheel motor vehicles licensed for participation in public traffic will be admitted.

Each vehicle should be marked with the starting number provided by the organizers throughout the duration of the event. On motorcycles the starting number must be clearly visible. On cars and buses the starting number must be placed on the front and rear part of the vehicle. There should be no visual obstruction in the driver’s view due to the starting numbers.  
Each participant of the rally (driver, co-driver and accompanying person) must enroll personally. The entry forms need to be sent to the organizer (registration@ipmc.org) until 15th March 2018 and have to be filled in legibly, completely and correctly. The data sheets can be found on www.psf2018.com or www.impc.org. Entries of associations, clubs and departments must be delivered as a list.

Entry fees for:
» every driver participant and every co-driver Euro 85,00
» every accompanying person Euro 75,00
» every team Euro 50,00

The entry fee includes:
» souvenir plaque (only for driver and co-driver, not for accompanying person)
» voucher for a snack and a drink at the finish
» ticket for the opening ceremony including dinner (one dish and drink)
» ticket for the closing ceremony including dinner (one dish and drink)
» present
» information about the motor sport competitions
» program

Fees for persons who are not registered as participants:
» snack and drink at the finish Euro 10,00
» entry to the opening ceremony Euro 30,00
» entry to the closing ceremony Euro 30,00
» souvenir plaque Euro 15,00

Fees for excursions, trips and events:
» Motorbike-excursion Euro 30,00
Incl. lunch (one dish and drink); the toll charge of Euro 12,00 (01.05.2017) per motorbike is not included in the tour price;
» Val Venosta Apples – visit of the fruit cooperative Euro 5,00
» The medieval town of Glorenza and PUNI distillery Euro 45,00
Incl. transport, guided tours and tasting, lunch (one dish and drink);
» The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle and Merano Euro 40,00
Incl. transport, entrance fee, guided tour;
» Attraction Plima gorge – hiking in the Stelvio National Park Euro 35,00
Incl. transport, guided hiking tour, lunch (one dish and drink);
» Traditional festival at the church square Free entry

Children under 10 are exempted from the entry fee (except excursions).

Registration fees for motor sport competitions:
» for each participant who registered for CARS Euro 20,00
» for each participant who registered for MOTORCYCLES Euro 20,00

All fees need to be paid to the indicated bank account until 15th March 2018. Cash payments are not accepted. Arising bank charges are being paid by the depositor. The fees refer to one person, with the exception of the entry submitted for teams. In case of cancellation no fees will be refunded.

As a confirmation for the registration each rally participant receives a starting card on which the starting point should be confirmed by a stamp of an official authority or the relevant sports club. The finishing line is at the festival hall of Latsch (39021 Laces, Via Mercato 50). Just follow the IPMC arrows.

Opening times of the finish:
Tuesday, 26th June 2018 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Extended opening time: until 5 p.m.

Participants who arrive between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. will receive 2 penalty points per minute of delay. Participants arriving later than 5 p.m. are not classified.

A) Individual distance classification
All participants who reach the finish line within the fixed time limit will take part in the individual distance rating according to the following: 1km = 1 point, according to the shortest route from starting place (headquarter club) or permanent residence (individual participants) to the finish line. The basis for the classification is the European map on www.maps.google.com. If the starting point is not listed therein, the closest location must be entered as an assumed starting point by the participant. If there are more than three identical rankings with the same starting location (starting card) among the winners, the lot decides.

Additional points for individual distance classification:
» driver and co-driver with a passenger car 5 points each
» accompanying people in the passenger car 2 points each
» driver and co-driver with a motorbike 6 points each
» accompanying people with a motorbike 3 points each
» participating bus driver 5 points
» accompanying people in the bus 1 points each
» uniform or club coat or motorbike dress on motorbikes 5 points each addition

Penalty Points:
Each transgression committed by a participant and determined by the local police is reported to the organizer. For every transgression and vehicle 20% of the achieved total number of points will be deducted (individual and team classification). All violations are reported to the IPMC for further action. This classification is mandatory for all participants.

B) Team distance classification
The total number of participants actually arrived at the finish line and their points are the basis for this classification. All starting cards have to be handed in one by one and personally. Any points gained in the individual classification are taken over to the team classification. Each club or organization can call a maximum of two teams. In this case one of the teams is classified in the category “cars / buses” and the other one in the category “motorbikes”. The entry fee has to be paid by each team separately.

Category cars / buses:
» Category A 3 to 5 participants
» Category B 6 to 10 participants
» Category C 11 to 20 participants
» Category D 21 to 35 participants
» Category E more than 35 participants

Category motorbikes:
» Category F 3 to 5 participants
» Category G 6 to 10 participants
» Category H more than 10 participants

C) Additional motorsport competition: 3rd event of 8th IPMC European Championship
This special stage is a slalom with a sporting character for cars and a skill tournament for motorbikes. The points achieved in these competitions will not be taken over to the classification of the rally. The competitions are carried out on provided vehicles. The outlines of the competition tracks are provided together with the starting cards in advance for registered participants. In accordance with the IPMC committee late registrations and registration changes are not permitted.

The organizer authorizes only participants who wear corresponding protective clothing at the motorcycle competition. Eligible for the competitions on the 71st International Police Rally are all registered people with a valid driver’s license for the respective discipline. The members of the organizing club are excluded from the competitions.

To take part in the competitions of the 71st International Police Rally all participants have to fill in the appropriate entry forms (item 6). The rules of the IPMC European championship are valid.

The award ceremonies are performed on the following days:

a) Rally: Tuesday, 26th June 2018, from 7 p.m. as part of the opening ceremony;
b) 8th IPMC European Championship, 3rd event: Saturday, 30th June 2018, from 7 p.m. as part of the closing ceremony;

Each participating duty station, each participating club or association (if members of the IPMC) ticks the delegates in the appropriate column on the entry form. The calculation is a follows:

» 5 to 15 registered participants: 1 delegate
» 16 to 30 registered participants: 2 delegates
» 31 or more registered participants: 3 delegates

Every nation should be represented by at least one delegate. According to article 12 of the IPMC statutes only those delegates are allowed to participate in the delegate congress who have reported the registration to the IPMC secretary general seven weeks before the Delegates Convention.

Exemplary compliance with all traffic regulations and providing assistance during emergencies are first and obvious duty of any participants of the Police Rally.

All participants at the 71st International Police Rally assume the risks of the competition at their own responsibility. The organizer disclaims for itself and all individuals involved in the organization of this trip any liability for personal injury and property damage of any kind before, during and after the competition.

Names of the arbitration members are unhooked at the aim.


Participants of the rally are kindly requested to wear their uniforms (without weapons) or their club clothing at the arrival and at all official events.

All participants do reservations on their own. Information about available campsites in the region are available on this website: www.psf2018.com

All participants do reservations on their own. Information about available hotels and other accommodation are available on this website: www.psf2018.com

Basically, all participants care about their catering on their own (exceptions under item 6).


Departure and arrival of all planned excursions is the festival hall of Laces (39021 Laces, Via Mercato 50).

Reservations are made considering the various departments, clubs and associations in order of their registration.

The organizer reserves the right to change the regulations or to issue implementing rules, which become a part of the announcement. Participants of the rally submit with their registration that they stick to all regulations and rules pertaining this announcement of competition.