
Your Autumn Holiday in the Venosta Valley

Insights into culture and lifestyle from September to November

While nature in South Tyrol is colourfully preparing for a long period of rest, the best time to recharge your batteries for the cold season begins here in the Vinschgau Valley. Clear horizons, new paths, surprising encounters and deep insights into culture and lifestyle await the attentive connoisseur – a dialogue with yourself in the abundance and uniqueness of the slower and deeper breathing nature of the Venosta Valley!

“Pinet, Lechtl and Tappein” - The best farms around these parts

Guided tours Prad am Stilfserjoch
The Pinethof

Scenic and Informative - Everyday Farming Life at the Pinethof Farm

Together we participate in this panoramic hike to the high plateau above Lichtenberg/Montechiaro to the quietly situated traditional Pinethof farm. During the guided tour of the farm, we gain an insight into the everyday farming life of the Schöpf family, who carry out their work with a great deal of passion and diligence and with an eye to the future.

On the way back, we get an insight into the chapel of St. Christina (1575) with its three-sided choir, impressive wall paintings and shingle roof.

Registration: Required by 6 p.m. the day before at the Prad tourist office or online

Meeting point: 9.00 am at the aquaprad National Park House in Prad am Stilfserjoch

Walking time: approx. 2 h (pure walking time) and 1.5 h (visit to the farm and little church), in total approx. 3.5 h

Cost: € 10.00 per person
Registration: mandatory by 6 p.m. on the previous day at the tourist office in Prato allo Stelvio or online
Meeting place: Nationalparkhaus aquaprad - Tourismusbüro Prad
Aquaprad - Prad am Stilfserjoch
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Let yourself be inspired by the autumn in the Venosta Valley – Our recommendations
Autumn not only makes nature more colourful, it also makes the days shorter. All the more reason to make the most of them!
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