Various well-known artists and writers in the Venosta Valley and beyond, call Prato allo Stelvio/Prad am Stilfserjoch their home. Also known as the wild men of Prato, the artists in Prato allo Stelvio have already been written about in newspapers and featured on TV. The painter Hans Ebensperger, the Moser brothers and the Indian, Lorenz Kuntner, are all leading exponents of the art scene in Prato allo Stelvio.

Lorenz Kuntner, the Prato allo Stelvio “Indian”
At the edge of the town of Prato, towards the Stelvio Pass, visitors will likely be surprised to find a totem pole. Brightly colored wood and stone sculptures, utilizing wire and even animal carcasses line the edge of the road. This is Lorenz Kuntner’s museum and open-air art studio, with painted rocks, decorating woven objects with found objects such as pieces of wood, bones, horns, feathers and animal claws.