
"Kaandlwaal" irrigation channel path

General description
At Kaandlwaal, which is still used for irrigation, hollow tree trunks (Kaandln) were joined together to channel water down from the mountains, and the Kaandlwaal trail winds up steeply right beside it.
Route description
Kaandlwaal Trail sets out from the Wanderparkplatz Stallwies parking lot. The wide forest trail #5 leads to the "Suachbichl" overlook before crossing the Waldbergbauer trail. Track the Kaandlwaal channel through the woodland. Information panels explain the construction, mechanics and maintenance of the channel. Follow trail #15A to return to your starting point. In the summer, you can also take the hiking bus to return to Stallwies.
State open
Duur 1:30 h
Lengte 3,652 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 239 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 239 hm
Hoogtemeter 2102 m
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