
Cima Gioveretto & Monte Cevedale

General description

Alpine tour with impressive views of Ortler and Gran Zebru and overnight-stay possibility at Rifugio Martello or Rifugio Nino Corsi.

Route description

This alpine tour, which is not too steep, requires surefootedness and complete glacier equipment as you are on a crevassed glacier. Start at the Gasthaus Enzian parking and go to Rifugio Nino Corsi where you follow the southwestern path no.150 that takes you to Rifugio Casati over rock steps. Rifugio Casati is the start of the ascent to Monte Cevedale. You then cross glacier slopes and hollows to reach the deepest point between the two giants. Having arrived at Monte Cevedale, you will immediately forget the exertions of the ascent. Remnants of emplacements from the first world war and the wonderful view of the mountain chain invites to dream. Continue to Cima Gioveretto for another half an hour. Cross the ridge by climbing over short rocky passages. The last ascent to the summit cross takes you over rock blocks. Return to the valley along the east ridge on the narrow moraine path no.103 until Rifugio Martello. Return to Rifugio Nino Corsi and from there to the parking.

State open
Duur 8:01 h
Lengte 22,741 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1873 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1745 hm
Hoogtemeter 3759 m
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