Zuid-Tiroolse kanaalroutes
in Vinschgau vallei
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Irrigation chanenel path Tschars and Staben

General description

Hiking along the old water courses is one of the favorite Sunday activities of the South Tyroleans - hardly surpising, since the leisurely walks can be undertaken with the whole family. One of the most beautiful is the "Schnalswaalweg"

Route description

You start in the center of Tschars, from there you follow the narrow asphalt road to the entrance of the Tscharser Waalweg and the hiking path no. 3 along to the Sonnenhof. From there it goes uphill to the left for around five minutes to Juval Castle. Descend from the castle over the street to the Schlosswirt. To start the way back to Tschars, turn right above the Schlosswirt past the "Waalerhütte" and the "Waalerschelle" to the Sonnenhof. At Sonnenhof you descend on the left following path no. 1 in the direction of Staben. About halfway between the castle and the valley floor you come across the Stabener Waalweg which leads us towards the Restaurant Himmelreich and to the center of Tschars.

Description to arrive at destination

By car to Tschars,follow the village street o the parking lot above the fire fighter station.


At the parking lot above the fire fighter station

Public transport
Coming from Meran or Mals with the Vinschgau train to the train station in Ciardes
Duur 2:00 h
Lengte 8,3 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 420 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 420 hm
Hoogtemeter 927 m
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