Zuid-Tiroolse kanaalroutes
in Vinschgau vallei
2024-waalwege-broschuere File size: 7,22 MB

"Schnalswaal" irrigation channel path

General description

Schnalswaal irrigation channel has been in use for more than 500 years and offers plenty to see: a Waalerhütte hut, a functional Waalschelle bell, chestnut woods, steppic vegetation, and, of course, Juval castle.

Route description

From Kastelbell village square, make your way to Köfelgut vinery and continue on tral #3 to Juval castle, part of the MMM-Messner Mountain Museum project and open to the public for guided tours. This pleasant trail winds through mixed woodlands and chestnur trees and mainly flat, gentle terrain. Trail #1 takes you down to Staben. From the end of March to the beginning of November, a shuttle service runs from the farmer's shop at the Schnalstal valley entrance to the castle.

Description to arrive at destination

By train or by car to Kastelbell. From the train station you can reach the center in 5 minutes. At the village fountain, follow the signs to the winery Köfelgut


At the train station in Kastelbell

Public transport
Coming from Meran or Mals with the Vinschgau train to the train station in Castelbello

Refreshment places
In the inns in Kastelbell, Tschars and Juval

Water flow
From April to October
Duur 3:00 h
Lengte 7,2 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 300 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 300 hm
Hoogtemeter 907 m
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