The great Stelvio National Park is one of the most extensive protected natural areas in Italy, filled with
spectacular fauna and flora and other natural attractions – a great environment for all those who love the mountains. The Stelvio National Park extends from 900 to 3,000 m a.s.l. and offers climbers a series of superlative adventures. The most popular hiking tours are the
Stelvio High Mountain Trail, the
Archaic Path (Archaikweg) and the
Lottersteig Nature Trail. With a little luck, hikers can also encounter different wild animals such as bearded vultures, daxes or marmots. 48 hairpin bends along the Stelvio Pass Road lead up to the "Cima Coppi" peak as a special leg of the of the Giro d'Italia. 14 peaks of over 3,000 meters form a majestic setting with a panoramic view of the 3,905 m high Ortles, the highest mountain in the Eastern Alps.
The head office of the Stelvio National Park administration is located in Glorenza/Glurns. There are also four more national park houses in Venosta Valley, which focus on specific aspects of this sensitive local ecosystem:
naturatrafoi at Trafoi,
aquaprad at Prato/Prad,
culturamartell in Val Martello,
avimundus in Silandro/Schlanders and
lahnersäge in Val d`Ultimo/Ultental.
More information on the
Stelvio National Park The region around Prato allo Stelvio is the ideal starting-point for
mountain hiking trips in the exhilarating Southern Alps and the town is a popular
meeting-point for mountain climbers, thanks to its position close to the imposing mountains in the
Stelvio National Park. It is here that the Ortler, the highest mountain in South Tyrol rising to a height of 3,905 meters is located. Next to it, there’s also the Gran Zebru at 3,841 meters and the Cevedale at 3,778 meters. Here, experienced climbers will find more than just permafrost and ice, as there are also a number of hospitable refreshment stations with quality food and drink to cater for them.
Some of the more notable mountain trails include that to the summit of Pietrafitta on the Piz Chavalach, Mount Gorenza on the Punta Rosa and the track to Verdana Peak. For those preferring less strenuous itineraries, there are relaxing summer walks across the mountain pastures, enabling one to enjoy the hospitality of the Val Venosta in the sun.
Experience, local knowledge, equipment and information on
weather conditions are essential. Aspiring mountain tour participants can therefore join one of the numerous tours offered by South Tyrol's experienced mountain guides.
The most beautiful mountain tours in Venosta Valley recommended by the Mountaineering School Ortler.